Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Innovation <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 200%;"><strong>Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Innovation</strong> is an international, multidisciplinary, Open access journal that publishes quality research in the field of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences, with a particular focus on current research areas.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 200%;">JMPI publishes Original Research Articles, Reviews/Mini-Reviews, Case Report for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences, Short Communications, and Research Notes.</p> JMPI en-US Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Innovation 2347-8136 Homoeopathic Management of Urticaria <p>Urticaria is a kind of skin complaint with red, raised and itchy bumps. Urticaria frequently occurs after an infection or as a result of an allergic response to some medication, insect bites or food. Psychological stress, exposure to cold or vibration may also trigger urticaria. Urticaria occurs with a lifetime prevalence of around 20%. In around 30% patients of urticaria, attacks often recur for months or years.</p> Vaibhavi Deepak Sawant Farooque Zaveria Copyright (c) 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 11 57 Homoeopathic Management of Common Cold and Cough: A Mini Review <p>The common cold is an acute, self-limiting viral infection of the upper respiratory tract involving the nose, sinuses, pharynx and larynx. The virus is spread by hand contact with secretions from an infected person (direct or indirect) or aerosol of the secretions and virus. The incubation period varies but is just under two days for rhinovirus. Symptoms, which generally relate to the infected mucosa, typically peak at 1–3 days and last 7–10 days, although they occasionally persist for three weeks. They include sore throat, rhinitis, rhinorrhea, cough and malaise. The severity and type of symptoms will vary among individuals and with different infective agents.</p> Farooque Zaveria Vaibhavi Deepak Sawant Copyright (c) 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 11 57