To Study the role of Apis Mellifica and Argentum Nitricum in the management of nocturnal enuresis in the paediatric age group (03 years to 18 years)

  • Jyotsana Thakur RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
  • Nikhita Chandole


Approximately 60% of children with nocturnal enuresis are boy. Family history is positive in  50% of case. Although primary nocturnal enuresis may be polygenetic , candidate genes have been localized to chromosome 12 & 13 If 1 parent was enuretic, each child has a 44% risk of enuresis; if both parents were enuretic each child has a 77% likely hood enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis without overt daytime voiding symptoms up to 20% of children at the age of 5 years; its ceases spontaneously in approximately 15% of involved children every year thereafter. Its frequency among adult is less than 1%. Most children with enuresis her psychological normal and treatment of secondary enuresis still relies mainly on the symptomatic approach, although any under lying stress, emotional or physical disorder must be addressed. If 1 parent was enuretic, each child has a 44% risk of enuresis; if both parents were enuretic each child has a 77% likely hood enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis without overt daytime voiding symptoms up to 20% of children at the age of 5 years; its ceases spontaneously in approximately 15% of involved children every year thereafter. Its frequency among adult is less than 1%. Most children with enuresis her psychological normal and treatment of secondary enuresis still relies mainly on the symptomatic approach, although any under lying stress, emotional or physical disorder must be addressed. A careful history helps determine whether the enuresis is primary or secondary, weather any day time symptoms are present and weather any voiding difficulty is present. In case secondary enuresis history should be taken to rule out acute stress full condition, poly urea and features of bladder irritability such as frequency and urgency.


Author Biographies

Jyotsana Thakur , RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal



Nikhita Chandole


