Study of acute lower urinary tract infection with homoeopathic management

  • Rajkumar Nagar RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
  • S. K. Sharma RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal


Urinary tract infection (UTI) remains the most common infection worldwide, which can occur in any time in the life of an individual. UTI can affect both lower and upper urinary tract. It may be acquired from community or hospital. When the susceptible (it is the capacity of living organism to receive and react to stimuli both internal and external) individual suffers from the infection, the organ and the system that is affected is the kidney, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and urethra, as well as adjacent structures such as the perinephric fascia, prostate, and epididymis. Urinary tract infection (UTI) comprises of both asymptomatic microbial colonization of the urine and symptomatic infection with microbial invasion and inflammation of urinary tract structures. In healthy individuals there is a sterile stream of urine that flows through. There are various factors that are responsible for the growth of micro-organisms which lead to such infections. Out of which bacteria are the most common invading organisms, along with yeast, fungi and viruses too. This sole aim of study to determine the efficacy of homoeopathic management of acute lower urinary tract infection, its prevalence, study of obstacles and other maintaining causes as well as to correlate the clinical approach to acute lower urinary tract infection with Homoeopathic Principles as apprize by Master Hahnemann & other stalwarts and to develop evidence based support on the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicine in the treatment of acute lower urinary tract infection. This study examined efficacy of the management of acute lower urinary tract infection. Among the patients attending our College OPD & IPD 30 clinically confirmed cases of acute lower which drug was indicated were recruited randomly during this 18 month study.


Author Biographies

Rajkumar Nagar, RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal



S. K. Sharma , RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal


