Comparative study of Ferrum Met and China in the management of Iron Deficiency anaemia in the reproductive age women

  • Swapnila Sabde RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal, India-462026
  • Shyam Sunder Singh
  • Anil K Shrivastav


Among women of reproductive age group iron deficiency anaemia is an important public health problem. In reproductive age women, China and Ferrum metallicum are important remedies for treatment of Iron deficiency anaemia as per Kent, J.T. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Present research study was designed with the objective of comparing the role of China and Ferum Metallicum in the treatment of anaemia in reproductive age women. The study was done in a Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospitals at Bhopal among 30 women of reproductive age (year 18 to 45 years) who were diagnosed to have anaemia. Selected participants were randomly divided in two treatment groups. First group was prescribed China and second group was given Ferrum metallicum for duration of three months. Distribution of age and other demographic characteristics was comparable between the two study groups. Baseline haemoglobin level was comparable between the two study groups. At the end of first month overall haemoglobin level revealed statistically significant improvement (by 0.31 gm / dL) as compared to the corresponding baseline value. The overall haemoglobin level revealed linear improvement in second and third months to yield total increment by 0.87 gm / dL at the end of three months. On comparison of mean haemoglobin level change in two treatment groups it was revealed that more in Ferrum metallicum group had higher increase in mean haemoglobin level (0.93 gm /dL) as compared to the China group (0.80 gm / dL). These findings suggest that the Homoeopathic remedies of China and Ferrum Metallicum have a potential role in improving the haemoglobin levels among anaemic women of reproductive age group. Ferrum Metalicum was found to be relatively better than that of China after 3 months of therapy.


Author Biographies

Swapnila Sabde, RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal, India-462026



Shyam Sunder Singh



Anil K Shrivastav



