Utility of Sulphur in Homoeopathic Management of Tinea Corporis

  • Dr. Govind Thote Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna, India (MS)
  • Dr. Aiman Ansari Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna, India (MS)


“Skin disease- an outer expression of inner disturbance” The skin is the mirror of the organism’s functioning, its colour, texture, dryness & every one of its other aspects, reflect our mental state & our deeper sensation. We blanch with fear & turn red with embarrassment. Our skin tingles with excitement & feels numb with shock, it is a mirror of our state. Tinea corporis is considered to be a superficial skin infection by fungi known as dermatophytes. Dermatophytes are among the common fungal agents implicated in superficial skin infection.  This disease is associated with cosmetically disfiguring skin disorders because of which individual experience considerable psychosocial rejection, which is mainly determined by feeling of the stigma due to their skin disorders. Because of the new trends of high cosmetic practice, psychological effects & high morbidity in terms of loss of working days, treatment of dermatophytic infection is a public health problem. Homoeopathy has got a wider scope in treating this disease condition with less suffering and less complications, Hence this study is done to understand the effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment in Tinea corporis. In homoeopathy we treat the patient in a holistic manner, here medicines are known to rarely produce side effects and are also cost effective and safe in administration. In these cases homoeopathy has always offered a safe and significant results in controlling the infections of cutaneous disorders.
