Withania somnifera

  • Partha Sarathi Mallick Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College & PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna
  • Toofan Chakrabarty Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College & PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna


Withania somnifera commonly known as Ashwagandha is an important plant of family Solanaceae known for its rejuvenating properties[8,9.10] it is also known as Indian Ginseng. It is a very important herb of ayurvedic indigenous medical system known for more than 3000 years. Withania somnifera is a very small woody shrub native to drier parts of India. It is commonly found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Africa. It is about 6 feet in height and herbaceous in nature, stem bases of the plant are thickened, cylindrical and green; leaves are erect, ovate in shape petiolate and glabrous. Roots are thickened, branched and brown in colour; fruits are orange coloured berries enclosing many small seeds covered with green persistent calyx.
