Explore the Role of Homoeopathic Medicines in Urinary Tract Ailments in Males above 45yrs of Age

  • Vipin Kumar RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal, India-462026
  • Ujjwala Bhaviskar RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal, India-462026


Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is one of the burning topics which is common health problem, affecting millions of people each year. UTI may be defined as a condition in which bacteria enter, persist and multiply within the urinary tract. The Urinary Tract infection includes Urethritis (Inflammation of Urethra) and Cystitis (Inflammation of Bladder). The multiple causative factors which predispose to Urinary Tract Infection are incomplete bladder emptying, foreign bodies and loss of host defense. The interplay of host, pathogen and environmental factors are collectively responsible for the infection. The conventional line of treatment seems to offer only short symptomatic relief whereas Homoeopathy being gentle and safe, considers the whole individual in disease. Therefore, the study was undertaken to explore the role of Homoeopathic medicines in the management of Urinary tract infection. A Prospective study was conducted with sample size of 30, of cases fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Individualistic approach in Homoeopathy was used to understand complete disease picture and in the management of each case. Data was analyzed by Parametric paired t-test, and the outcome was assessed by the degree of improvement as per UTI Symptoms Assessment questionnaire (UTISA) Score. The result of study concludes that Homoeopathic medicines playing important role in the management of Urinary Tract Infection.
